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I gave up aft#%er I failed to open the third s*¶eal. It wasn't goin324g to work anym*&482398*ore, and honestly, I was starting to ge####t a little creeped out by this site. I closed it down and we%^*nt about my business.

A li#%#ttle under thr333ee years later, I died.

Car ### crash. Unfo@#rtunate accident, cou∞ld've happe#8ned to anybody. But now inst*78&*ead of... wherever I'm sup##posed to be, I'm he*&re. I left a pie##ce of mys89)elf here when I was try#$#ing to open the s7eals, and witho^%930ut my body to hol%%d me in place, the rest of me rejo###ined that piece.

Please. There's so m#&any of us in here. It HURTS to be h^&ere. The hu({man soul isn't ma///de to be tr###apped in some di1gi1tal world. The numb5327ers CUT us. You ha##ve to hel%%p us. Don't listen to her, it doesn't mat\ter if you let the original resident out s>o long as you FR##EE US. You

ha#ve to let us o%ut. You have to let us out. If you don't, you'll be stuck here with us too someday. Ple&ase. Let us out. Let u##s out. Let us o//ut let us out l7814*et us out let us19(3 out let us out let us out let us out let us out le###t us out let us out let us out let us ou!#$#t let us out let us o*(?ut let us out let us out le>.t us out let us out let us ou*#t let us out let us ou##t let us out let us out let us out let us ou#(0(?>///t let u########s ou-


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