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A minimalist labyrinth forms out of the darkness. Stark white lines shining from the shadows, sharp enough to slice you open. Walk, but do not touch.

Which way will you go?

Datalog 128
How did she do it? Did he willingly give himself up? Or did she trick him into connecting himself, somehow? I always thought he was smarter than that.
>Or, most worryingly, perhaps she didn’t need to. Perhaps the barrier between the digital and the spiritual, once broken, is left… malleable?
>I no longer understand what I am dealing with here. Disembodied souls are not my area of expertise.
>According to the hospital, the convulsions have stopped, and Timothy’s condition has stabilized. He even has regained a rudimentary degree of speech.
>I hope he improves soon. I need to speak with her.
>Logged by Dr. Crowe.

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